Healthy Professional Home Cleaning
Taking care of cleanliness is taking care of health.
The main causes of allergies in the home are mites, molds, cigarette smoke, as well as accumulated dirt in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets. The service is intended for families with children and people with allergies.
Healthy Home Cleaning
The main causes of allergies in the home are mites and accumulated dirt in upholstered furniture and mattresses. They produce allergens which over time cause health problems. The cause of allergies is also household dust, which is everywhere around us – in the wallpaper, the air conditioner, the library, picture frames, cabinets, lighting fixtures, etc. The problem is even more serious in places with high humidity, during the winter months and with insufficient ventilation. Healthy cleaning involves removing all these deposits and allergy-causing dust. The goal is to create a clean and healthy environment to raise your children. Mattresses are the most contaminated with mites, bacteria, dust, fungal spores and viruses due to the difficulty of internal cleaning. Upholstered furniture contains the largest amount of mites – up to 1000 of them can live in just 1 m². About 6,000 bacteria accumulate on every square meter of carpet that has not been washed for 3 months. That’s 4,000 more than the ones in the toilet bowl. Air conditioners also need cleaning every 3 months. The aim of the Healthy Cleaning service is to clear all areas with a concentration of allergens to leave your clean and healthy home. We have technology that washes and knocks out these dirt, also removes the mites. The preparations we use comply with ecological standards, protect the environment and are harmless to pets and plants. The service is intended for families with children and people with allergies.Removal of mites
Rinse with Extractor
Removal of mites
Rinse with extractor
Air Conditioning
Защо да изберете Фирма За Професионално Почистване Sauber?
Изберете Sauber за вашия партньор в почистването, защото разполагаме с над 10 години опит и екип от над 1000 професионални хигиенисти, които ежедневно обслужват нашите доволни клиенти. Ние предлагаме широк спектър от услуги, включително почистване на големи офис помещения, височинно почистване на фасади, както и специализирани услуги за заводи и фабрики. Независимо дали става въпрос за рутинна поддръжка или комплексни задачи, ние сме близо до вас и сме готови да отговорим на вашите нужди в София и околните населени места с професионализъм и внимание към всеки детайл.