Professional cleaning after renovation and construction

The offered service is a variation of the standard cleaning. The aim is to remove residual construction waste in order to bring the premises into a condition ready for use.

Cleaning after repair

The “Cleaning after renovation” service is intended for homes and houses, after refreshing construction works, so that they are brought into a condition ready to move into. Usually, the main work is related to deep cleaning of dust, removal of rough residues of screeds and plasters, paint, glue. In this way it is possible to proceed with the finer activities.

In its next stage, this service is similar to basic cleaning, including showcase and window cleaning, flooring, bathrooms and sanitation, polishing of surfaces, furniture, soft flooring, lighting fixtures and others by agreement.

Post-renovation cleaning can be done in stages, depending on how far the renovation has gone and what its plan is. The aim is to prevent the accumulation of large amounts of dust and construction waste. When cleaning, we use specialized preparations that are designed for different types of surfaces and spare the furniture from wear and tear.

A site visit is required for a more accurate assessment of the degree of contamination, the type of repair and activities involved, and the surfaces to be involved.

What we will do in a few hours will take you a whole week. Indulge in a well-deserved break while our team works for you.

Защо да изберете Фирма За Професионално Почистване Sauber? 

Изберете Sauber за вашия партньор в почистването, защото разполагаме с над 10 години опит и екип от над 1000 професионални хигиенисти, които ежедневно обслужват нашите доволни клиенти. Ние предлагаме широк спектър от услуги, включително почистване на големи офис помещения, височинно почистване на фасади, както и специализирани услуги за заводи и фабрики. Независимо дали става въпрос за рутинна поддръжка или комплексни задачи, ние сме близо до вас и сме готови да отговорим на вашите нужди в София и околните населени места с професионализъм и внимание към всеки детайл.