Professional house cleaning

House cleaning: this service consists of a basic cleaning of any type of soiled areas and surfaces in a home. Due to the specific wishes of each client, we have prepared four packages of services to satisfy all your requirements.

Standart cleaning

The right choice for seasonal cleaning of the home and for refreshing from accumulated dirt.

Precise cleaning

Fine cleaning of homes - for the most difficult to reach places with special technical tools.

Healthy cleaning

With ecological and hypoallergenic preparations, we clean homes of allergic people and those where small children live.

Cleaning after renovation

A variant of standard cleaning aimed at removing residual construction debris.

For homes

Due to the specificity of each of the cleaning activities and areas, it is important for us to understand more about the characteristic features of the respective residence. When cleaning homes, the characteristics that are important are: square footage, number of rooms, type of rooms, degree of contamination and others. For the correct calculation, it is necessary to be informed about the type of floor covering, furniture and others. Think about what you want us to do for you. If necessary, we carry out an inspection. This way we can give correct information about the organization of the service and calculate the best price for cleaning. Ask about our services by sending your inquiry online or contact us on the indicated phones.

How we work?

We gather information

(area, number of rooms, etc.)

We inspect the premises

(if needed)

We calculate the best price

Защо да изберете Фирма За Професионално Почистване Sauber? 

Изберете Sauber за вашия партньор в почистването, защото разполагаме с над 10 години опит и екип от над 1000 професионални хигиенисти, които ежедневно обслужват нашите доволни клиенти. Ние предлагаме широк спектър от услуги, включително почистване на големи офис помещения, височинно почистване на фасади, както и специализирани услуги за заводи и фабрики. Независимо дали става въпрос за рутинна поддръжка или комплексни задачи, ние сме близо до вас и сме готови да отговорим на вашите нужди в София и околните населени места с професионализъм и внимание към всеки детайл.