Professional disinfection of buildings, offices and homes

Home Services Professional Disinfection

What premises are treated?

We disinfect offices, buildings, factories and warehouses, sports and cultural facilities, residential buildings, work premises, administrative buildings and other premises throughout the country.

Treated surfaces

Floors, walls, sanitary facilities, office furniture, office equipment and any type of other surfaces that allow the activity are processed.

Treated surfaces

Floors, walls, sanitary facilities, office furniture, office equipment and any type of other surfaces that allow the activity are processed.

Preparations used

We disinfect with certified preparations that are completely harmless, do not leave any traces and do not smell. The service is performed by qualified personnel, and your safety is our top priority. We disinfect with professional equipment outside of working hours, guaranteeing the excellent performance of the service. The price is determined according to the square footage of the object.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us!

Защо да изберете Фирма За Професионално Почистване Sauber? 

Изберете Sauber за вашия партньор в почистването, защото разполагаме с над 10 години опит и екип от над 1000 професионални хигиенисти, които ежедневно обслужват нашите доволни клиенти. Ние предлагаме широк спектър от услуги, включително почистване на големи офис помещения, височинно почистване на фасади, както и специализирани услуги за заводи и фабрики. Независимо дали става въпрос за рутинна поддръжка или комплексни задачи, ние сме близо до вас и сме готови да отговорим на вашите нужди в София и околните населени места с професионализъм и внимание към всеки детайл.