Cleaning subscription

Good work ethics, quality communication between employees and clients, as well as a well-furnished and maintained office contribute to the prosperity of your business. Ensure complete comfort for everyone in the workplace by taking advantage of the subscription office cleaning service from the Sauber company.

Subscription office cleaning service

We offer professional subscription cleaning of offices of different areas and degrees of complexity. The service covers a wide range of activities in the field of daily hygiene.

According to your needs, we perform the subscription cleaning at a time convenient for you – every day or on selected days of the week. We provide full-time staff and, if necessary, reserve staff.

We offer the service throughout the country, for one or more offices, guaranteeing the same norms for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness.

We load and monitor the availability of hygiene consumables and cleaning preparations.

Each of the activities included in the package service is determined individually, based on your needs, and is carried out periodically in daily, weekly and monthly cycles.

The quality of the service and the organization of the processes is managed by a manager responsible for the hygiene of the respective facility. The manager monitors the availability of cleaning preparations, for the timely delivery of hygiene consumables and for the overall quality of the work done. It takes care of personnel management as well as specific needs that arise during the work process.

Subscription office cleaning activities

Washing floors
Cleaning of soft floor coverings
Cleaning and polishing office furniture
Cleaning and disinfection of sanitary rooms
Destruction of office technics
Ventilation of wordplaces
Dust cleaning
Cobweb removal
Windows cleaning
Light keys, contacts, etc.
Wash of the entrance and barrier shop windows
Collection and wash of tableware
Care for interior greeneries
Filling of hygiene supplies
Cleaning dustbins
Waste disposals
Replacing bin bags
Maintenance of common areas

Office areas, Meeting rooms, Work rooms

Subscription cleaning of OFFICE AREAS, MEETING HALLS, WORK PREMISES is a professional service offered both to corporate clients and to small and medium-sized companies.

The frequency depends on the type of activity and the need to maintain hygiene at a high level. According to the client’s wish, a contract is concluded in which the scope of the service is described in detail.

The period of the subscription depends on the specific situation, as well as on the specific actions: monthly prophylaxis, weekly or daily disinfection, daily floor cleaning and hygienic premises.

Subscription cleaning of offices is carried out at an appropriate time of the day or week. Its choice depends on the working hours of the company or the specific team. If necessary, we provide round-the-clock presence of our staff.

Meeting rooms require extra attention. They are the place where the company team gathers for work meetings and discussions. Meetings with customers and suppliers, with partners are also held there. These premises are in many cases the face of the company.

The cleaning of the meeting rooms is carried out together with the other activities of the subscription, and if necessary before or after their use.

The working premises are usually cleaned outside working hours, unless otherwise agreed.

For more information, contact us.

Kitchen, Server and Rest rooms

At first glance, the purpose of kitchen, server and rest rooms are completely different. What they have in common is the requirement of specialized care and professional cleaning.

The server rooms are intended for expensive computer equipment. It is usually arranged on special shelves – crabs. The premises are wired, equipped with cooling to maintain a good environment for the normal functioning of the equipment. Hygiene maintenance in similar office premises requires special care: cleaning of cooling, removal of dust, keeping order and good arrangement of cables.< /p>

Service, sanitary and storage rooms

Service, sanitary and storage rooms in an office require specialized care. They are among those working parts whose hygiene depends on the quality of work of the company’s team.

Parking, Adjoining Production premises

Depending on the specific client’s field of activity, the subscription cleaning service includes various elements. For companies that provide business services: accounting, legal, notaries and software, professional cleaning is provided in administrative buildings. The features are related to server and rest rooms. Our work is done in a wiring environment, delicate office equipment and requires attention. Equipment storage is critical. Disinfection with mild detergents is required. Ventilation is a must. When it comes to an industrial enterprise, it is assumed that these are sheds and production premises. With them, the area is several times larger, dusting and pollution is of a different type.

corridors and stairwells

Major cleaning of stairs and corridors is required in several cases. During the initial commissioning of the building, it is necessary to remove rough construction materials. They are placed in the places designated for the purpose. The floors are cleaned with suitable preparations to remove the remains of putty, paint and other construction processes. Possibly polished. The walls, according to the coating, are cleaned of dust and the places with damaged coating are restored. In basic and finishing construction works, the glasses are usually heavily contaminated. It is necessary to remove hard plaster residues so as not to destroy the surface. Then, using harmless detergents and suitable “towels”, the “white spots” left from the first stage of cleaning are cleaned. Similar are the activities for cleaning after major renovation of the building. Stairways and hallways are covered in debris. The joinery needs cleaning. We recommend that sensitive surfaces be covered with protective film or paper before repairs begin to protect the building from permanent damage.

Lobby, elevators and reception

Защо да изберете Фирма За Професионално Почистване Sauber? 

Изберете Sauber за вашия партньор в почистването, защото разполагаме с над 10 години опит и екип от над 1000 професионални хигиенисти, които ежедневно обслужват нашите доволни клиенти. Ние предлагаме широк спектър от услуги, включително почистване на големи офис помещения, височинно почистване на фасади, както и специализирани услуги за заводи и фабрики. Независимо дали става въпрос за рутинна поддръжка или комплексни задачи, ние сме близо до вас и сме готови да отговорим на вашите нужди в София и околните населени места с професионализъм и внимание към всеки детайл.